Judge John C Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center Lancaster

200 Greene Road
Wilmer, TX 75146

About Judge John C Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center Lancaster

The Judge John C. Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center is a substance abuse service for clients with a history of criminal behavior in Texas. Located in Wilmer they provide residents with a structured setting to focus on recovery without distractions.

Recovery and Community Reintegration

Their approach to treatment includes traditional therapy and job training. You can also get educational support.

Past clients mention the program’s positive impact but some complain about the lack of medical care. There have also been complaints from the clients about the rules for bringing personal belongings and package delivery. Still, past clients credit the program with helping them on their sober journey.

A Balanced Approach to Care

Past clients have mentioned the program’s ability to help them with sustained recovery through their rigorous schedules and life skills training. The center offers lifelong changes to people in need of a new beginning.

Addiction Treatment Programs

  • Alcohol Rehab

    If you’re ready to overcome alcohol use disorder, an alcohol rehab in Texas can give you the tools you need. High-quality treatment lays a foundation for sobriety and helps prevent relapses by giving you new ways of thinking, better coping skills, and a better understanding of key life skills such as emotional regulation and communication.

  • Drug Rehab

    In Texas, a drug rehab provides a combination of therapy and education to help clients overcome substance misuse. Common services include counseling and classes on coping skills, emotional management, communication, and other key life skills. Drug rehab programs can provide inpatient or outpatient treatment.


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